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Showing posts with the label SC2 Guides

Starcraft 2 Guide Zerg Versus Protoss, Fighting the 4 Gate

Author : Antpile I've decided to write a guide on beating the 4 gate push that is all the rage right now in the 1v1 leagues. This build is rough on us poor Zergies. Here, I will teach you how to send those Zealots packing. Opening Game So, you are happly producing your drones and are reaching 9 or 10 supply, what do you do? Well, if you are playing on Zerg's home stadium of Scrap Station or on Desert Oasis, then you do nothing. Your overlord will be in his base momentarily and tell you all you need to know. What's that? You forgot to send your overlord to his starting position as soon as the game started? Shame on you!

Starcraft 2 Zerg Scouting Compendium Guide

Author : Nicholas Greetings, fellow Zerglings. Over the past few days, there have a been a lot of topics asking why (insert Terran or Protoss strat here) keeps stomping Zerg. And among the responses, one thing is agreed upon - if you don't scout it out, you're toast. Always. So, that led to posts asking how to scout, when to scout, where to scout, such and such. However, I haven't seen any threads describing exactly what you might be seeing when you scout. So, I'm going to add that, and combine everything else into one big scouting post.

Starcraft 2 Guide to Zerg Micro, Macro, and Build Orders

Author : Nicholas Hey, guys. Now, when I wrote the Zerg Scouting Compendium, the main reason was that I had been seeing a lot of posts about scouting, Protoss and Terran build orders, different Protoss and Terran builds, that sort of thing. So, I wrote a guide to cover that, and I would hope that helped quell some of the confusion surrounding those topics. Now, I've been seeing a lot of posts about Queen macro, base macro in general, our standard build orders, and the like, so I'll write another guide-type post to try and address those issues. Again, this will mostly be information from other threads on this forum, combined into one post for convenience. The veterans should note that this will mostly be information for newer players, but it might be worth a read. You could always learn a thing or two.

Starcraft 2 Digital Download Error

Author : DFO Here is my step by step procedures on how to install Starcraft 2 using thus fixing this problem === The file "fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale " in archive "<any>" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive) === Carefully follow these steps: 1. Using a torrent client like BitTorrent or BitComet, download 2. Once download completes, copy all files and paste it on the same folder where your Starcraft 2 installation files are located. 3. Double click "QuickPar-" to install QuickPar. 4. After installation of QuickPar, double click "Installer Tome 1.MPQE.par2". QuickPar will check and fix your Starcraft 2 installation files for any missing blocks. 5. Once QuickPAr done on repairing your Star

Starcraft 2 Guide on Picking a Race, SC2 Terms, and Build Orders

Here's another great guide made by Duban of Starcraft 2 community I've played the beta and am a pretty good player. If there is one thing I've found to be critical to playing well it is choosing the right race. To do well you shouldn't pick Terran because they are human, Protoss because they are cool and high tech, or zerg because of their monstrous appetite. Each race has a distinct play-style and/or play-styles unique to their race. Each player has a play-style that best suits their own personal play-style and play level. To do the best you can you need to find the play-style that best suits yourself, and then pick your race accordingly. Here are the races and how they play.

Learning the Language of StarCraft, Part 2

Last week, in part 1 of In the Vernacular , we highlighted popular terminology for several units and structures within the StarCraft universe. Today, we dive in a bit deeper and focus on common tactics, greetings, and slang new players may encounter as they battle opponents online and get more involved with the community. Tactics #/# (e.g. 1/1) - Refers to the number of armor/weapon upgrades a particular type of unit currently has.

StarCraft 2 Lost Viking Achievements Guide

Just a few tips and recommendations on how to clear Lost Viking achievements. [Powerups] Powerups come in a 4 varieties, side missiles, drone, plasma, and bomb. Any powerup that stays on the field will change in this order [the powerup will flash and become bigger for a moment before it changes.] |- ->Side missiles -> Drone -> Plasma --| Bomb -[note: with the exception of bombs every power up seems to have two levels of upgrade. Changing to a different weapon will loose your leveled up version though so be aware.] The best option for success in my opinion is to follow a priority list on what to upgrade. 1. Drones x2 2. Plasma x2 3. All else bombs

StarCraft 2 Campaign Credit Glitch

This is to help people take the best advantage of the credit glitch that allows you to get every upgrade and mercenary in the game. This is only doable once you have obtained 25 research points for both zerg and protoss. I'm not sure what the earliest possible mission is that you obtain this but once you do you can get every upgrade right there. If you go back to an earlier mission that you can get research points on "even if you've already gotten them" you can get them again and trade them in at the research console for credits.

StarCraft 2 Campaign Missions and Achievements Guide

DISCLAIMER 1 : This guide may contain SPOILERS. As this is a mission mechanics guide, I don't really talk about much beyond what's listed in the achievement descriptions in-game, but still, you have been warned. DISCLAIMER 2 : This guide is mostly comprised of what I have personally observed, with a few additions from forum threads. I don't make any guarantees of accuracy, but if you see any inaccurate information, please post so I can correct it. After beating the campaign and logging onto the forums, I noticed there have been quite a bit of confusion regarding campaign achievements, especially Liberty Completionist and HUIRN. This guide is intended to clear up any misinformation regarding achievements and provide suggestions on the best way to unlock various achievements. Download Guides : StarCraft2CampaignMissionsandAchievementsGuide.txt Related Guides : 1. Read our guide on how to complete Brutal Campaign . 2. Few tips and recom

StarCraft 2 Rewards, Achievements, Leagues and Ladders, Match History, and Friends

The new StarCraft II community site is loaded with exciting features, and we’d like to showcase some of the powerful profile functionality we've introduced so that you can be sure to get the most out of it. You may have already noticed that when you log into the community site, your portrait appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen and additional information such as your ladder matches, latest achievements, friends list, and popular forum topics are displayed on the right hand side. Clicking on your portrait will take you to your profile. Update : Read StarCraft 2 Campaign Missions and Achievements Guide for more details SC2 campaigns and achievements. Your profile contains a great deal of information. At first glance it gives you an overall Snapshot of your multi-player matches, Career Stats , Achievements , and even a place to Showcase your favorite achievements within the Summary .

StarCraft 2 Leagues and Ladders FAQ

The StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty matchmaking engine works behind the scenes to ensure fun and evenly matched multiplayer games, but you might be curious about how the ranking system works. We've got you covered. Let's answer some of your most frequently asked questions about StarCraft II multiplayer leagues and ladders. You may also want to read our StarCraft 2 Campaign Missions and Achievements Guide . Frequenlty Asked Questions Q. How do I participate in the StarCraft II leagues and ladders system? A. To play a ladder match, click the Multiplayer menu item in the top left, select a mode from 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4, select a race, and then click Find Match. After playing in five placement matches within one mode (e.g. five 1v1 matches) you will be placed in a ladder for that mode. Note that Free For All (FFA) or arranged matches where you choose to play against specific friends do not count toward placement in a league, or ranking up or down within the ladder system.

StarCraft 2 Strategy on Winning the Last Level

Here are some user contributions on how to win the very last level of Starcraft 2 Wings of Libert. I had the siege tanks upgraded all the way, and killed off the air units. I found that, if you got rid of the AIR, then you can use TONS of siege tanks…and just use bunkers mostly as walls….constantly have 4-5 SCV’s repairing the bunkers, a couple medics if you desire to heal them, and just constantly keep pumping siege tanks. Make sure you upgrade their damage. It’s basically trial and error as to how you set up your tanks. Although it sucks against Ker, putting them in a nice big bunch as close to your “wall” as possible i found to be the most effective. Took my 10-15 tries… X-D

StarCraft 2 Single Player Cheat Codes

Here are some cheats you can use when playing StarCraft 2 Campaign. Shooter Minigame Click on the arcade machine on the Hyperian to play a space shooter mini game. Extra Chatter and Animal Murder To make animals explode, just keep double clicking on one at a pretty quick rate. After 10-15 clicks or so, the show will start. Also, the amount of polish in the game is amazing. Every single unit has a dozen or more unique dialogue when you click on them repeatedly. The best thing to do though, is assign a unit to a group (1 to 0) and just hold the number button down and listen to the chatter.

StarCraft 2 Guide for Beginners

1. Download Starcraft 2 Full Client . You will need to register to to do this. 2. Install Starcraft 2 3. Download any of these cracker: 4. Enjoy! 5. Summary What we just did is used a crack version of SC2 so we can play the single-player campaign. You may also want to read our StarCraft 2 Campaign Missions and Achievements Guide .

StarCraft 2 Installation Guide

PC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Place the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. If your computer has autoplay enabled, an installation window will automatically pop up on your Windows desktop. Left-click the Install StarCraft II button and follow the onscreen instructions to install StarCraft II on your hard drive.

StarCraft 2 Beginner Guide

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is almost here, and we want to make sure players of all skill levels know their way around the game. We’ve put together a comprehensive game guide which we'll continue to expand in the coming weeks. In this guide you’ll find a plethora of helpful information, including instructional videos featuring guidance from familiar voices.

Learning the Language of StarCraft, Part 1

Over its 12-year lifespan, the StarCraft community has developed its own culture, etiquette, and even its own language. As result, if you've never played StarCraft before, you might stumble across unfamiliar acronyms or phrases as you read through various blogs, announcements, forum posts, and comments available throughout the web. This vocabulary can be confusing if you're trying to learn more about the game, so in an effort to help you become fluent in the language of the StarCraft community, we've prepared a series of blogs that highlight and define some of the more popular terms for units, structures, tactics, and greetings. In this first installment, we cover terminology for common units and structures. Like with any language, these terms can evolve and change, but we hope this will help get you started.

Nuke, Starcraft 2 Guide

In the original Starcraft if you made a Nuke as a Terran player, chances are that you where late into the game or you snuck it by the other player. Not saying that you never got the chance to get nukes, but getting them was a steep investment on the Terran player’s part. And the fact that you had to attach the Missile silo with the Command Center meant you had to forget about getting scan if you where wanting to rush to nukes, which was a big risk. However in Starcraft II the process of getting nukes have been simplified because you no longer have to sacrifice the ability to scan because all nukes are built at the Ghost Academy . All this and a reduced price of the Nukes themselves means that you can strike terror into all who don’t have weapons of mass destruction. My goal in this guide is to get Terran players used to the concept that they should be using Nukes in just about every game they play. First let look at the first question we should ask our selves: When should I get Nu

10 Tips to Improve Your Starcraft 2 Game

If your new to Starcraft, then improving your game can be hard. I know because I like many other players had to learn from the bottom of the pool. But knowing these ten tips will make sure that your on your way to becoming one of the many Sharks that inhabit said pool. 10: Learn to use CTRL groups. While Starcraft II supports seemingly limitless unit selection, no player should play a game without ctrl grouping units and buildings. Being able to build units on the fly and instantly switching between a group of Void Rays and Zealots is powerful in the fact that it can save you time that you might need to make more drastic choices. You can practice this fairly easy with a computer opponent. The real challenge becomes knowing what you need to have grouped. For each race and player this is different so experiment and keep an eye on what other players might recommend. 9: Learn the Quick Keys for everything. This one is easier than it used to be because Blizzard has made significant

Hunter Seeker, SC2 Guides

The Hunter-seeker is just an inefficient spell. getting it when you are not in a huge lead can put you behind. And its design is bad: it's very similar to a scarab from SC:BW, but thrown from the air (flying scarabs! imba right ), but it doesn't cost minerals to build, it requires a ton of energy and is easily countered and dodged, unless you want to get close and sacrifice a viking to get it in. 1)The raven costs a lot of gas, gas that a Terran needs desperately, you use gas for tanks, vikings, banshees... pretty much every unit excluding marines and hellions, so the only situation i get ravens out is if i need mobile detection, or in some cases for the point defense drone (which is also effective not efficient, but since i already have a raven out, might as well use it, but that's another story) 2)The Hunter-seeker needs to be researched which adds more gas cost, and time to research making it a late game spell 3)The hunter seeker does 100 AoE damage instant, whil