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7 step For Newbie to become a decent player.

This is some quick guide. For a Newbie player who cant get out Bronze league. Im not a diamond myself, but for most people they just love this game but can't be a decent player. if you want to get silver or gold try some of these guide its from my own exprience. now sit back and relax my friend.

Starcraft 2 Patch 1.1.2 Release - Starcraft 2 Patch Download

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty patch 1.1.2 is now live! This patch features adjustments to protoss, terran, and zerg balance and several bug fixes. Be sure to check out the full patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.1.2 General • Players will no longer receive achievement toasts while their status is set to "Busy." • The messaging when attempting to load a saved game or replay from a previous version has been clarified. • Adjusted the amount of points earned and lost by random team participants to properly reflect the strength of a player's teammates. Balance • PROTOSS o Buildings • Nexus life and shields increased from 750/750 to 1000/1000. o Void Ray • Damage level 1 increased from 5 to 6 (+4 armored). • Damage level 2 decreased from 10 (+15 armored) to 8 (+8 armored). • Flux Vanes speed upgrade bonus decreased from 1.125 to 0.703. • TERRAN o Buildings • Barracks requirement changed fro

About Basic SC2 and Protoss - Part 3

A tightly done build order vs. Terran and Harrasment Part 2 Okey so I'm not blind, I've seen the threads on the forum about Terran being OP and so forth. What those threads lack is ANY discussion to what to do against a Terran, its just rubbish trash talk to each other which might strengthen your internet peen a bit but does not help anyone being better at beating Terran. I won't take a discussion in this thread about whether Terran is OP or not, I don't want you to start flaming about this either in here. Now I have a good friend who play Terran and we have practice a lot against each other over the last weeks and days just to see how OP Terran is. I'd say we are both at the same level, so it isn't Diamond Protoss against Bronze Terran.

About Basic SC2 and Protoss - Part 2

For this part i will talk about four things, that might not be so basic and actually is kind of a intermediate level of play but still touches everyone in almost all games and match ups. The first thing i want to write about is: First and Early aggressions We have all been here, we have built up a force and thinking "okey, okey... i got this army.... what do I do?"

About Basic SC2 and Protoss - Part 1

After seeing a lot of thread here on the forum that surely are related to basics about RTS I feel that I want to write this posts and I really hope that this thread will help alot of strugeling protoss that feel that they are lacking in some games but can't pin-point what they are lacking in. So when you are reading this thread I assume you have chosen protoss (or atleast is strugeling with protoss when you play random and get that race) so... Ye won't write about any other race, but almost all of what I will write here will fit into both the other races too.

Weird Zerg Mechanic, or Larvae Management 101

I was giving a lot of thought into it lately, and I couldn't find a satisfying answer as to why the Zerg have to choose well-balanced armies and a variety of units to beat even their "hard counters". (examples: It is way better to go Roaches/Hydras than mass Hydras against mass Stalkers, even though Roaches aren't the optimal counter. Also, The popular build of Slings/Blings/Mutas works a LOT better than pure Slings/Blings even if your enemy is going mass marines and marines alone, which doesn't make sense. You'll still win with banelings alone, but with mutas it seems to work even better). Why does this happen? Zerg units don't have forced synergies, like MMM (anti air/light + anti armor/building + heals). And many will say that in some builds Roaches and Lings are used as meatwalls, but why the heck does Infestor/Lings/Hydras/Roaches/Ultras work soooo much better against Mass Stalkers than lets say pure Infestor/Ultras?? On paper, it is the optimal count

Developer's Corner: 1v1 Game Balance

Since the release of Wings of Liberty, the StarCraft II balance team has been diligently studying how the game is being played, playing it ourselves, and seeing how evenly the three races match up on the battlefield. While we regularly examine player data and statistics from all regions, the information we're examining in this blog was pulled exclusively from the North American region for simplicity's sake.