These are some powerful Terran counters against Zerg opponents that will teach you how to deal with Zergs using your favorite units in group Terran and how to counter Zerg Mutalisks, Zergling Rush, and Roaches.
Know some of the Starcraft II different strategies so you can be a successful Starcraft multi player with great understanding on how to use all the different units. Be successful by learning what units to make when an army of Void Rays is rushing your base and learn how to counter most popular builds and you will surely win more often.
Terran Counter Zerg Mutalisks
Mutalisks are one of the most powerful Zerg air units and they are available early in the game, so you should learn how to take care of it quickly. Getting hit by a Mutalisk rush that you are not expecting can be a devastating blow that will often end the game immediately.
To counter Zerg rush you must able to perceive if they're building Spire.
Once you noticed a Spire on enemy's base, you better generate tons of Marines and Stimpack researched.
Use Stimpack to burn all Mutalisks.
Use Vikings to counter Mutalisks if you're in later game.
This Terran strategy is also effective versus Void rays.
Avoid going straight to Marauders which is a common mistakes Terran players commit.
Always have at least a few Marines as early anti-air protection.
Terran Counter Zergling Rush
As a Terran player you are not nearly as vulnerable to a Zergling rush as a Protoss player (provided you walled of your base), but it is still important to have a response ready for any Zerglings that get through your wall.
If you have the right units at hand, taking out that swarm of Zerglings will be effortless.
Start making Marines the moment you see Zerglings approaching your base.
In most cases, a pack of Marines will be able to handle Zerglings without a problem.
If you have the tech for some Hellions, you will be even more prepared for a Zergling rush.
A couple Hellions can take out an army of Zerglings in seconds.
Terran Counter Zerg Roaches
When a Zerg player sends Roaches your way it can be a nerve wracking experience. Your Marines will have a hard time dealing with the thick skinned beasts that take forever to kill.
Your best bet when Roaches approach is to build up your force of Marauders.
Marauders are a natural counter to Roaches making them highly effective without too many supporting forces.
Make sure to keep moving your Marauders away from the Roaches.
Marauders are faster, hit harder, and have a longer range than Roaches.
Micro your Marauders right and the Roaches will not stand a chance.
Add in some Siege Tanks and Medivacs later in to the game to dealing with larger Roach forces.
Learning how to counter all of the most popular builds is going to help you take your game to the next level. The trick is scouting out your enemy properly so that you have time to counter whatever build he decides to go with.
Know some of the Starcraft II different strategies so you can be a successful Starcraft multi player with great understanding on how to use all the different units. Be successful by learning what units to make when an army of Void Rays is rushing your base and learn how to counter most popular builds and you will surely win more often.
Terran Counter Zerg Mutalisks
Mutalisks are one of the most powerful Zerg air units and they are available early in the game, so you should learn how to take care of it quickly. Getting hit by a Mutalisk rush that you are not expecting can be a devastating blow that will often end the game immediately.
To counter Zerg rush you must able to perceive if they're building Spire.
Once you noticed a Spire on enemy's base, you better generate tons of Marines and Stimpack researched.
Use Stimpack to burn all Mutalisks.
Use Vikings to counter Mutalisks if you're in later game.
This Terran strategy is also effective versus Void rays.
Avoid going straight to Marauders which is a common mistakes Terran players commit.
Always have at least a few Marines as early anti-air protection.
Terran Counter Zergling Rush
As a Terran player you are not nearly as vulnerable to a Zergling rush as a Protoss player (provided you walled of your base), but it is still important to have a response ready for any Zerglings that get through your wall.
If you have the right units at hand, taking out that swarm of Zerglings will be effortless.
Start making Marines the moment you see Zerglings approaching your base.
In most cases, a pack of Marines will be able to handle Zerglings without a problem.
If you have the tech for some Hellions, you will be even more prepared for a Zergling rush.
A couple Hellions can take out an army of Zerglings in seconds.
Terran Counter Zerg Roaches
When a Zerg player sends Roaches your way it can be a nerve wracking experience. Your Marines will have a hard time dealing with the thick skinned beasts that take forever to kill.
Your best bet when Roaches approach is to build up your force of Marauders.
Marauders are a natural counter to Roaches making them highly effective without too many supporting forces.
Make sure to keep moving your Marauders away from the Roaches.
Marauders are faster, hit harder, and have a longer range than Roaches.
Micro your Marauders right and the Roaches will not stand a chance.
Add in some Siege Tanks and Medivacs later in to the game to dealing with larger Roach forces.
Learning how to counter all of the most popular builds is going to help you take your game to the next level. The trick is scouting out your enemy properly so that you have time to counter whatever build he decides to go with.