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Starcraft 2 Guide 10 Ways to Improve Your Playing Skills

Author : Zomgtossrush Today I am going to give some pointers here and there on simple ways to improve your game. A lot of these are very basic, but can be applied at all levels of play. This is more of a how you should be practicing and how to get better post. 10. Control Emotions Don't ever get too mad at the game. This can lead to being on tilt and playing poorly. Remain calm, learn from your mistakes and continue to focus on playing well.

StarCraft 2 HotKeys

Interface Hotkeys * F10 = Menu * F11 = Chat * F12 = Help * ALT + G = Map pinger * ALT + T = Show/hide minimap terrain * ALT + F = Alliance options * CTRL + ALT + F = Show FPS * PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN = Adjust view * MOUSE WHEEL = Adjust view height * SHIFT + [any command] = Create a series of commands * SPACE = View last warning area * BACKSPACE = View base * ALT = Show / hide health points bar

Starcraft 2 Guide to Marine Marauder and Medivac

Author : OmniBOT Since Zerg and Toss players love complaining about how OP MMM supposedly is, I'd like to share some tips with you all, my fellow Terrans, on how to do it better =D

Starcraft 2 Beginners General Guide to Micro and Macro

Author : Babyface Hi! Now that we have all gotten our feet wet with the starcraft 2, I thought I would write a short guide to help beginners develop micro and macro skills for multiplayer. Please note this is not the end-all stop for micro and macro knowledge, it is here to help beginners get started, and to hopefully teach a few tricks to help micro and macro skill development. This guide was primarily written for Terrans, but may be adopted for other races with a few changes. So with that lets get started:

Protoss Strategy Guide: Basic Openers and Tactics

Author : Sirix So I'm going to try to consolidate the tactics that I've learned throughout beta as well as watching countless replays. I myself am no pro, but I feel I have a fairly diverse knowledge of the basic Protoss opening strategies, even if I cannot always perfectly replicate them. Below, I'll list a variety of opening builds, their builds orders, and a sentence or two of detail about the builds strengths and weaknesses. I'll try to follow it up with some 'what to watch for' in the opening builds of your opponents, so you can pick a viable tech tree to counter. (Build Order is listed by supply, the number on the left being at what supply you should start building that structure/unit)

Starcraft 2 Guide Zerg Versus Protoss, Fighting the 4 Gate

Author : Antpile I've decided to write a guide on beating the 4 gate push that is all the rage right now in the 1v1 leagues. This build is rough on us poor Zergies. Here, I will teach you how to send those Zealots packing. Opening Game So, you are happly producing your drones and are reaching 9 or 10 supply, what do you do? Well, if you are playing on Zerg's home stadium of Scrap Station or on Desert Oasis, then you do nothing. Your overlord will be in his base momentarily and tell you all you need to know. What's that? You forgot to send your overlord to his starting position as soon as the game started? Shame on you!

Starcraft 2 Zerg Scouting Compendium Guide

Author : Nicholas Greetings, fellow Zerglings. Over the past few days, there have a been a lot of topics asking why (insert Terran or Protoss strat here) keeps stomping Zerg. And among the responses, one thing is agreed upon - if you don't scout it out, you're toast. Always. So, that led to posts asking how to scout, when to scout, where to scout, such and such. However, I haven't seen any threads describing exactly what you might be seeing when you scout. So, I'm going to add that, and combine everything else into one big scouting post.

Starcraft 2 Guide to Zerg Micro, Macro, and Build Orders

Author : Nicholas Hey, guys. Now, when I wrote the Zerg Scouting Compendium, the main reason was that I had been seeing a lot of posts about scouting, Protoss and Terran build orders, different Protoss and Terran builds, that sort of thing. So, I wrote a guide to cover that, and I would hope that helped quell some of the confusion surrounding those topics. Now, I've been seeing a lot of posts about Queen macro, base macro in general, our standard build orders, and the like, so I'll write another guide-type post to try and address those issues. Again, this will mostly be information from other threads on this forum, combined into one post for convenience. The veterans should note that this will mostly be information for newer players, but it might be worth a read. You could always learn a thing or two.

Starcraft 2 Patch 1.0.2 Release - Starcraft 2 Patch Download

Patch 1.0.2 is now live. This small patch addresses a few issues that were affecting single player gameplay. For further information about what fixes have been applied, check out the official patch notes below.

Starcraft 2 Digital Download Error

Author : DFO Here is my step by step procedures on how to install Starcraft 2 using thus fixing this problem === The file "fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale " in archive "<any>" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive) === Carefully follow these steps: 1. Using a torrent client like BitTorrent or BitComet, download 2. Once download completes, copy all files and paste it on the same folder where your Starcraft 2 installation files are located. 3. Double click "QuickPar-" to install QuickPar. 4. After installation of QuickPar, double click "Installer Tome 1.MPQE.par2". QuickPar will check and fix your Starcraft 2 installation files for any missing blocks. 5. Once QuickPAr done on repairing your Star

Starcraft 2 Guide on Picking a Race, SC2 Terms, and Build Orders

Here's another great guide made by Duban of Starcraft 2 community I've played the beta and am a pretty good player. If there is one thing I've found to be critical to playing well it is choosing the right race. To do well you shouldn't pick Terran because they are human, Protoss because they are cool and high tech, or zerg because of their monstrous appetite. Each race has a distinct play-style and/or play-styles unique to their race. Each player has a play-style that best suits their own personal play-style and play level. To do the best you can you need to find the play-style that best suits yourself, and then pick your race accordingly. Here are the races and how they play.

Learning the Language of StarCraft, Part 2

Last week, in part 1 of In the Vernacular , we highlighted popular terminology for several units and structures within the StarCraft universe. Today, we dive in a bit deeper and focus on common tactics, greetings, and slang new players may encounter as they battle opponents online and get more involved with the community. Tactics #/# (e.g. 1/1) - Refers to the number of armor/weapon upgrades a particular type of unit currently has.