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SC2Allin1 v11.2.11 Beta 8 + AI - Play Starcraft 2 Offline

This tool allows you to Play Starcraft 2 Offline

Learn how to use this latest version of SC2Allin1 v11.2.11 Beta 8 + AI

Let's go straight to the download links:
  1. Download StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Beta
  2. Download SC2Allin1 v11.2.11 Beta 8 + AI
  3. Download Starcraft 2 Map Packs (optional)
  4. Download.NET Framework 4 (required for the program to work correctly).
Step 1. Unpack the archive "" to any folder and run "SC2ALLin1.exe".

Disclaimer: It will be your decision to continue the installation if antivirus detects any "Tsar Trojan" alert.

This is how SC2Allin1 would look like.

Step 2. Click the "Maps" tab.

There are 4 buttons to choose from.

  • Add Maps from Folder - add maps from the selected folder. This is if you previously downloaded the Starcraft 2 Map Packs from the link above.
  • Select Map - select a map and go to the game settings (Game tab)
  • Map Sites - launches a browser and moves us to a page with links to useful online resources where these same maps can be downloaded.
  • Add Maps from Server - do not worry about finding maps on the Internet, but simply download them from the server.
Step 3. Click "Add Maps from Server".

  • In this window you will find the list of all cards supported by SC2ALLin1.
  • We are interested in those cards on which there is a mark (hots).
  • Mark them with checkmarks and click "Download and Install Selected Maps".
  • Downloaded maps can be found in the folder "My Documents \ StarCraft II \ Maps"
  • Close the map loading window by clicking the inconspicuous cross in the upper right corner.

Now we have the names of the maps we downloaded in our list.

The number on the right indicates the number of players for which it is designed.

In the left part of the window is a preview, information about the creators and a comment on the map.

The numbers on the diagram indicate the location of the starting positions of the players.

Step 5. Click "Select Map" and return to the very first window of the "Game" tab.

Step 6. Proceed to the game settings.

The leftmost, nameless list is responsible for choosing a race:
  1. Random
  2. Terran
  3. Zerg
  4. Protoss
Player Type: set the player type.
  1. Human is a player, i.e. you.
  2. Computer is your silicon rival
  3. Referee, Spectactor - we are not interested, because we are going to play in splendid isolation.
  4. Closed - the slot remains empty.
A game will require at least one computer opponent.

Difficulty: set the difficulty level. The intelligence level of your computer opponent will directly depend on this option.

  1. Very Easy - very easy
  2. Easy - easy
  3. Medium - Medium
  4. Hard - hard
  5. Very Hard - very hard
  6. Insane is a computer cheater.
In principle, the set of options and their difficulties depend on the version of AI that you are using. The brain of May 10, 2012 is included in the package of this assembly. release dates. For Human, the option to choose is prudently blocked.

In the near future I will supplement the article, explaining in more detail about the AI ​​settings.

Color: allows you to choose a color for yourself and your opponents. The number of options here is much more extensive than in most custom cards.

Choose from:
  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Blue
  4. Teal
  5. Purple
  6. Yellow
  7. Orange
  8. Green
  9. Light pink
  10. Violet
  11. Light gray
  12. Dark green
  13. Brown light
  14. Green
  15. Dark gray
  16. Pink
Just like a children's set of 16 flashers. Plus, Random (random color).

Location: select a starting position from 01 to 08 or Random . You start at the specified location, in accordance with the choice.

Health: unit health of the selected player. From 100% to 5% of the original. If you want to endure everyone as slaves or give the enemy a good head start - you can play around with these values.

On the right side there are two more options:

Game Speed: The speed of the game. Faster is the default . If you want to see the battle of the slow pock, you can move the slider to the leftmost position. (Slower)

Game Type: type of game.

  1. Team vs Team - team-to-team
  2. Free For All - aka FFA, all against everyone. Installed by default.
  3. Use Map Settings - the mode is set by the map settings.
  4. Random War - something random. :)

If you select Team vs Team , additional items will appear in the settings:

  1. Team - allowing you to choose a player’s belonging to a specific team.
  2. Team Shares: general overview ( Vision ), control of units ( Control ) and resources ( Spendings ). Or all this at once.

At the moment, Free For All and Team vs Team modes are working correctly.

The Custom AI checkbox is responsible for using the original Blizzard script (there is no checkmark), or a third-party script (there is a checkmark). By default, a third-party script is used from the \ SC2Allin1 \ ai folder

Step 7. Go to the" Options" tab

In the Others section, enter your nickname (if you do not want to be just a Player). ALWAYS check the Use Custome Game Instalation Path checkbox , and specify the path to the folder with StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Beta (example C:\Games\ StarCraft II 2012 Beta). Otherwise, the program will by default run the Wings of Liberty installed on your computer . (After specifying the path and ticking, it is better to restart SC2AllIn1 so that the path is saved).

You can still play around with the numbers in the Cheat section , giving yourself free resources.

The settings are now complete!!!

Step 8. Press "Launch"

Congratulations! StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Beta is now at your complete offline disposal! Have a good game!

Frequently Asked Questions

A small FAQ on popular problems and their solutions.

Q: When I try to start the game or resume an interrupted installation, an error pops up: "Faled to read required file. Please, close all other aplications, temporarily deactivate your anti-virus software, and try again"

A: Delete the folder C: \ ProgramData \ . If it doesn’t help, start the game through SC2Switcher.exe , which is in the StarCraft II 2012 Beta \ Support folder .

Q: When I try to start, it gives an error: "Unable to validate SC2 License"

A: For some reason, the game believes that you have a non-licensed version. There are two treatment options:

If you have a licensed Wings of Liberty , i.e. you can safely play the official

Launch the StarCraft II Editor.exe map editor . Go to the "File" menu, select "Publish ..." . In the window that opens, click on the "Login" button and enter data from your account, thereby authorizing in Battle.Net . After that, the game will consider itself fully licensed.

Q: After clicking the Launch button and starting the game, it gives an error: "Unable to open map"

A: Possible solutions:

  1. Verify that you started the game in Free For All or Team VS Team mode .
  2. Check that you downloaded and launched that map - it has in its name (hots).
  3. Make sure that you correctly specified the path to the StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Beta installation location and checked Use Custome Game Instalation Path .
  4. There is no Cyrillic in the installation paths.

Q: In-game error messages pop up.

A: Just uncheck the left and right:

Download links
  1. Download StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Beta
  2. Download SC2Allin1 v11.2.11 Beta 8 + AI
  3. Download Starcraft 2 Map Packs (optional)
  4. Download.NET Framework 4 (required for the program to work correctly).

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