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StarCraft 2 Single Player Cheat Codes

Here are some cheats you can use when playing StarCraft 2 Campaign.

Shooter Minigame
Click on the arcade machine on the Hyperian to play a space shooter mini game.

Extra Chatter and Animal Murder
To make animals explode, just keep double clicking on one at a pretty quick rate. After 10-15 clicks or so, the show will start.

Also, the amount of polish in the game is amazing. Every single unit has a dozen or more unique dialogue when you click on them repeatedly. The best thing to do though, is assign a unit to a group (1 to 0) and just hold the number button down and listen to the chatter.

Hidden Dialogue
Left click any unit a few times to hear hidden dialogue.

Exploding Creatures
Left click any creature a few times and it will detonate.

Cheat List
Press ENTER to bring up the console. Enter the following codes for the desired effect.

Warning: Entering cheat codes disables Achievements until you start a new game OR lode an earlier save.

  • terribleterribledamage
    - Its effect is invincibility and a multiplication of the damage all your buildings and units deal by a factor of 10 (so if a unit does 12 damage normally, it would do 120).
  • whysoserious
    - Five Million Credits to spend in the Armory
  • tyuhasleftthegame
    - Disable Victory Conditions
  • moredotsmoredots
    - Units no longer cost resources
  • jaynestown
    - Resources granted
  • RealMenDrillDeep
    - Grants 5,000 Vespene Gas
  • SoSayWeAll
    - Disables tech requirements

Cheat Code Constants
These are the Constants found within the Natives.galaxy file. This means that there is a cheat code corresponding to every Constant listed below.

const int c_gameCheatEventAny = -1;
const int c_gameCheatEventCooldown = 0;
const int c_gameCheatEventDefeat = 1;
const int c_gameCheatEventFastBuild = 2;
const int c_gameCheatEventFastHeal = 3;
const int c_gameCheatEventFood = 4;
const int c_gameCheatEventFree = 5;
const int c_gameCheatEventGimme = 6;
const int c_gameCheatEventGod = 7;
const int c_gameCheatEventMinerals = 8;
const int c_gameCheatEventNoDefeat = 9;
const int c_gameCheatEventNoVictory = 10;
const int c_gameCheatEventResourceCustom = 11;
const int c_gameCheatEventShowmap = 12;
const int c_gameCheatEventTechTree = 13;
const int c_gameCheatEventTerrazine = 14;
const int c_gameCheatEventTimeOfDay = 15;
const int c_gameCheatEventUpgrade = 16;
const int c_gameCheatEventVespene = 17;
const int c_gameCheatEventVictory = 18;
const int c_gameCheatEventProgress = 19;
const int c_gameCheatEventScene = 20;
const int c_gameCheatEventTV = 21;
const int c_gameCheatEventCredits = 22;
const int c_gameCheatEventResearch = 23;

Also seems like there are "Categories" for the cheats.

const int c_gameCheatCategoryPublic = 0;
const int c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment = 1;

World Of Warcraft references
Once you are on the ship's cantina, look in the upper left to see a red female holograph doing the same dance as the female night elf from World Of Warcraft.

During the Protoss missions, watch the TV to see a music advertisement for LVL800ETC featuring a lot of songs.

All those songs are from a metal band called LVL80ETC, which is made up of Blizzard employees and is dedicated to all things StarCraft and Warcraft.

The lead singer is the head of Blizzard's art department.

Secret mission
In the "Media Union" mission, destroy the red building that is all by itself on the right edge of the map.

There is a pathway to it from the small enemy expansion base that is just north of the player's starting position.

It reads as a civilian building when you hover over it, but after it is destroyed, a message will appear stating a secret mission has been unlocked.

The mission should be accessible through the Starmap immediately after unlocking it.

Note: You cannot play the secret mission after going to Char, as you have to go to another planet. Thus, you must go to the load menu and load a game from before Char to play the secret mission.

Ending Sequence